• NYT Strands today hints, answers and spangram for Thursday, Nove

    From TechnologyDaily@1337:1/100 to All on Thursday, November 07, 2024 00:15:05
    NYT Strands today hints, answers and spangram for Thursday, November 7 (game #249)

    Thu, 07 Nov 2024 00:02:00 +0000

    Looking for NYT Strands answers and hints? Here's all you need to know to solve today's game, including the spangram.

    FULL STORY ======================================================================

    Strands is the NYT's latest word game after the likes of Wordle, Spelling Bee and Connections and it's great fun. It can be difficult, though, so read on for my Strands hints.

    Want more word-based fun? Then check out my Wordle today , NYT Connections today and Quordle today pages for hints and answers for those games.

    SPOILER WARNING: Information about NYT Strands today is below, so don't read on if you don't want to know the answers. NYT Strands today (game #249) -
    hint #1 - today's theme What is the theme of today's NYT Strands?

    Today's NYT Strands theme is Extremely online NYT Strands today (game #249) - hint #2 - clue words

    Play any of these words to unlock the in-game hints system. TWEE TOLL LIMP STOP MISO MILK NYT Strands today (game #249) - hint #3 - spangram What is a hint for today's spangram?

    It's all about me (or you) NYT Strands today (game #249) - hint #4 - spangram position What are two sides of the board that today's spangram touches?

    First: top, 3rd column

    Last: bottom, 4th column

    Right, the answers are below, so DO NOT SCROLL ANY FURTHER IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE THEM. NYT Strands today (game #249) - the answers (Image credit: New York Times)

    The answers to today's Strands, game #249, are TWEET POST SHARE LIKE FOLLOW COMMENT REPORT SPANGRAM: SOCIALMEDIA My rating: Easy My score: Perfect

    There are days when Strands is simply too easy, and today is one of them. The theme of SOCIALMEDIA was obvious as soon as I saw TWEET lurking in the top left corner of the board, particularly given the clue of 'Extremely online', and after that it was merely a matter of my tracking down other related
    words. It helped that the spangram was itself the words SOCIALMEDIA, so there wasn't even any ambiguity there. I was done and dusted within about two minutes, which is fine but I'd welcome a slightly tougher challenge

    How did you do today? Send me an email and let me know. Yesterday's NYT Strands answers (Wednesday, 6 November, game #248) GUITAR VIOLIN BANJO MANDOLIN UKULELE SITAR HARP SPANGRAM: STRINGY What is NYT Strands?

    Strands is the NYT's new word game, following Wordle and Connections. It's
    now out of beta so is a fully fledged member of the NYT's games stable and
    can be played on the NYT Games site on desktop or mobile.

    I've got a full guide to h ow to play NYT Strands, complete with tips for solving it, so check that out if you're struggling to beat it each day.

    Link to news story: https://www.techradar.com/computing/websites-apps/nyt-strands-today-answers-hi nts-7-november-2024

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: tqwNet Technology News (1337:1/100)
  • From TechnologyDaily@1337:1/100 to All on Thursday, November 14, 2024 00:15:04
    NYT Strands today hints, answers and spangram for Thursday, November 14
    (game #256)

    Thu, 14 Nov 2024 00:02:00 +0000

    Looking for NYT Strands answers and hints? Here's all you need to know to solve today's game, including the spangram.

    FULL STORY ======================================================================

    Strands is the NYT's latest word game after the likes of Wordle, Spelling Bee and Connections and it's great fun. It can be difficult, though, so read on for my Strands hints.

    Want more word-based fun? Then check out my Wordle today , NYT Connections today and Quordle today pages for hints and answers for those games.

    SPOILER WARNING: Information about NYT Strands today is below, so don't read on if you don't want to know the answers. NYT Strands today (game #256) -
    hint #1 - today's theme What is the theme of today's NYT Strands?

    Today's NYT Strands theme is Name of the game NYT Strands today (game #256) - hint #2 - clue words

    Play any of these words to unlock the in-game hints system. CART CARD CARDS LUMP LUMPS LOCK NYT Strands today (game #256) - hint #3 - spangram What is a hint for today's spangram?

    It's a mystery NYT Strands today (game #256) - hint #4 - spangram position What are two sides of the board that today's spangram touches?

    First: top, 3rd column

    Last: bottom, 5th column

    Right, the answers are below, so DO NOT SCROLL ANY FURTHER IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE THEM. NYT Strands today (game #256) - the answers (Image credit: New York Times)

    The answers to today's Strands, game #256, are PLUM GREEN PEACOCK MUSTARD ORCHID SCARLET SPANGRAM: CLUESUSPECTS My rating: Moderate My score: 2 hints

    I have mixed feelings about today's Strands puzzle. On the one hand, it's a nicely challenging instalment that I had to use my brain (and memory) to solve. On the other, it has a couple of anomalies that slightly detract from the experience.

    The theme here is CLUESUSPECTS, as the spangram has it, and setting aside the fact that it's called CLUEDO in the UK, I have no issue with it as a concept. However, I am a little miffed about the fact that one of the answers is ORCHID. I'm not an expert, but my online research has led me to understand that ORCHID was only added as a character, in place of Mrs (or Chef) White in 2016, and was removed again in 2023. Given that CLUE/CLUEDO has been around since the 1940s, that seems an oddly short change to reflect here. Plus, Mrs SCARLET was called Mrs SCARLETT with two Ts from 1949 until 1963, then lost the second T in the US, then regained it in 2016. Which is fine but then you have the SCARLET spelling from one era and the ORCHID character from another. It's all just a little messy.

    On the other hand, I'm being petty. This Strands puzzle is fine, though I needed two hints to establish what the concept actually was. Once I had it,
    it was easy enough to solve, even allowing for the slight weirdness around a couple of the answers. Anyway, it made me want to play it again for the first time in several decades, so that's no bad thing.

    How did you do today? Send me an email and let me know. Yesterday's NYT Strands answers (Wednesday, 13 November, game #255) HUMAN GIBBON KANGAROO PANGOLIN MEERKAT OSTRICH SPANGRAM: BIPEDAL What is NYT Strands?

    Strands is the NYT's new word game, following Wordle and Connections. It's
    now out of beta so is a fully fledged member of the NYT's games stable and
    can be played on the NYT Games site on desktop or mobile.

    I've got a full guide to h ow to play NYT Strands, complete with tips for solving it, so check that out if you're struggling to beat it each day.

    Link to news story: https://www.techradar.com/computing/websites-apps/nyt-strands-today-answers-hi nts-14-november-2024

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: tqwNet Technology News (1337:1/100)
  • From TechnologyDaily@1337:1/100 to All on Thursday, November 21, 2024 00:15:06
    NYT Strands today hints, answers and spangram for Thursday, November 21
    (game #263)

    Thu, 21 Nov 2024 00:02:00 +0000

    Looking for NYT Strands answers and hints? Here's all you need to know to solve today's game, including the spangram.

    FULL STORY ======================================================================

    Strands is the NYT's latest word game after the likes of Wordle, Spelling Bee and Connections and it's great fun. It can be difficult, though, so read on for my Strands hints.

    Want more word-based fun? Then check out my Wordle today , NYT Connections today and Quordle today pages for hints and answers for those games.

    SPOILER WARNING: Information about NYT Strands today is below, so don't read on if you don't want to know the answers. NYT Strands today (game #263) -
    hint #1 - today's theme What is the theme of today's NYT Strands?

    Today's NYT Strands theme is You're getting warm NYT Strands today (game #263) - hint #2 - clue words

    Play any of these words to unlock the in-game hints system. MINE ROOM BARE POKE MANE FINE NYT Strands today (game #263) - hint #3 - spangram What is a hint for today's spangram?

    Watch the flames dance NYT Strands today (game #263) - hint #4 - spangram position What are two sides of the board that today's spangram touches?

    First: left, 5th row

    Last: right, 5th row

    Right, the answers are below, so DO NOT SCROLL ANY FURTHER IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE THEM. NYT Strands today (game #263) - the answers (Image credit: New York Times)

    The answers to today's Strands, game #263, are POKER CHIMNEY BROOM FLUE
    HEARTH SCREEN MANTEL SPANGRAM: FIREPLACE My rating: Easy My score: Perfect

    This will date me, but does anyone else remember those wonderful Busytown and Lowly Worm books by Richard Scarry? I loved these as kids, poring over the illustrations in search of all of the different named objects and characters. Playing Strands sometimes feels like a similar exercise. "Today's theme, children, is FIREPLACE. Now name as many words as you can that are related. Yes, CHIMNEY, that's a good one. Oh well done, you got BROOM!"

    That is the point of Strands, I guess, but equally it's more challenging when the puzzle is a little more creative for instance when it involves pairs of things, or phrases, or logic in some way. Just naming things is a lot easier, and Strands is not a difficult game at the best of times. We're 250-plus
    games in now, and I don't think I've ever failed one. Contrast that with Connections, where I fail regularly, and you can see the problem.

    Anyway, there's no major problem with today's game, it's just a little straightforward to hold the attention for longer than a few minutes. Maybe that's no bad thing, given how busy we all are, though.

    How did you do today? Send me an email and let me know. Yesterday's NYT Strands answers (Wednesday, 20 November, game #262) LITTER BONE COLLAR KIBBLE BALL LASER CATNIP SPANGRAM: PETSUPPLIES What is NYT Strands?

    Strands is the NYT's new word game, following Wordle and Connections. It's
    now out of beta so is a fully fledged member of the NYT's games stable and
    can be played on the NYT Games site on desktop or mobile.

    I've got a full guide to h ow to play NYT Strands, complete with tips for solving it, so check that out if you're struggling to beat it each day.

    Link to news story: https://www.techradar.com/computing/websites-apps/nyt-strands-today-answers-hi nts-21-november-2024

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: tqwNet Technology News (1337:1/100)
  • From TechnologyDaily@1337:1/100 to All on Thursday, November 28, 2024 00:15:05
    NYT Strands today hints, answers and spangram for Thursday, November 28
    (game #270)

    Thu, 28 Nov 2024 00:02:00 +0000

    Looking for NYT Strands answers and hints? Here's all you need to know to solve today's game, including the spangram.

    FULL STORY ======================================================================

    Strands is the NYT's latest word game after the likes of Wordle, Spelling Bee and Connections and it's great fun. It can be difficult, though, so read on for my Strands hints.

    Want more word-based fun? Then check out my Wordle today , NYT Connections today and Quordle today pages for hints and answers for those games.

    SPOILER WARNING: Information about NYT Strands today is below, so don't read on if you don't want to know the answers. NYT Strands today (game #270) -
    hint #1 - today's theme What is the theme of today's NYT Strands?

    Today's NYT Strands theme is Thank goodness! NYT Strands today (game #270)
    - hint #2 - clue words

    Play any of these words to unlock the in-game hints system. SEAT TRUE BEER SEER STAR LAST NYT Strands today (game #270) - hint #3 - spangram What is a hint for today's spangram?

    Chow down! NYT Strands today (game #270) - hint #4 - spangram position What are two sides of the board that today's spangram touches?

    First: left, 5th row

    Last: right, 4th row

    Right, the answers are below, so DO NOT SCROLL ANY FURTHER IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE THEM. NYT Strands today (game #270) - the answers (Image credit: New York Times)

    The answers to today's Strands, game #270, are TURKEY POTATOES GRAVY CRANBERRIES ROLLS YAMS SPANGRAM: LETSFEAST My rating: Easy My score: Perfect

    Happy Thanksgiving to those of you in the US! Today's Strands provides a nice contrast with Connections, another daily NYT puzzler; where that one uses Thanksgiving as a fiendish way to throw solvers off the scent, Strands plays it straight, merely asking people to find words associated with the holiday.

    There's nothing wrong with that of course, but it's unlikely that it will
    ever provide a real challenge, and I do wonder if Strands has a long-term future. Anyway, even a Brit like me was able to solve this one, though I will admit that I had no idea ROLLS or YAMS were part of the Thanksgiving feast. But I knew enough to get started, and was able to find the others through trial and error with no mishaps.

    How did you do today? Send me an email and let me know. Yesterday's NYT Strands answers (Wednesday, 27 November, game #269) FRONTIER UNITED VIRGIN DELTA SPIRIT SOUTHWEST SPANGRAM: AIRLINES What is NYT Strands?

    Strands is the NYT's new word game, following Wordle and Connections. It's
    now out of beta so is a fully fledged member of the NYT's games stable and
    can be played on the NYT Games site on desktop or mobile.

    I've got a full guide to h ow to play NYT Strands, complete with tips for solving it, so check that out if you're struggling to beat it each day.

    Link to news story: https://www.techradar.com/computing/websites-apps/nyt-strands-today-answers-hi nts-28-november-2024

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: tqwNet Technology News (1337:1/100)