Black Ops 6 Season 1 Reloaded release date prediction and what to expect
Tue, 26 Nov 2024 12:17:55 +0000
Here's what we know about the Black Ops 6 Season One Reloaded release date, including a look at a rumored launch date.
FULL STORY ======================================================================
Black Ops 6 Season 1 Reloaded is likely right around the corner, adding new maps, a new Zombies main mission, and more.
Even without extra Season One Reloaded content, we're having a blast with Black Ops 6 , landing it a place on our list of the best FPS games to play in 2024. This upcoming midseason update will freshen things up somewhat, giving players a new shotgun, and sniper rifle to work towards.
While we don't yet have a confirmed date, there has been a tease of sorts which likely places Season One Reloaded in early December.
Here's what we know about Black Ops Season 1 Reloaded so far, including a
look at the rumored release date, as well as what might be added. As we hear more from Activision, this page will be updated. Black Ops 6 Season 1
Reloaded release date prediction (Image credit: Activision)
The Black Ops 6 Season 1 Reloaded release date is rumored to be December 12, according to a tweet by Treyarch announcing the arrival of the new Citadelle Des Morts Zombies map.
Generally, all of the midseason content arrives at once in Call of Duty , meaning it's likely that Citadelle Des Morts will be a part of Reloaded. #CitadelleDesMorts
2024.12.05 November 22, 2024
Activision is yet to fully announce Black Ops 6 Season 1 Reloaded or its release date. Until then, we'll be keeping an eye out for a full blog post
and will update this page once it goes live. Black Ops 6 Season One Reloaded
- what's being added? (Image credit: Activision)
Activision has now announced the highlights for what'll be added to Black Ops 6 as part of Season 1 Reloaded. This includes new maps, a new Zombies
mission, and new weapons. Here's a brief summary of what's being added: Maps: Racket, Hacienda, Nuketown Holiday, Citadelle Des Mortes Wildcard: High
Roller Weapons: AMR MOD 4, MAELSTROM, Cleaver Modes: Prop Hunt Bundle: Brightmare Warzone : BR Ranked Play
For a full breakdown of Black Ops 6 Season 1, head on over to the Call of
Duty blog . This includes some content marked as in-season, which is likely
to arrive as part of Season One Reloaded. You Might Also Like... Black Ops 6 review Here's when to expect the next season of Fortnite Upcoming games 2024
Link to news story: at-to-expect
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