is the illuminati real?
warmfuzzy@700:100/37 to
All on Tuesday, May 07, 2024 17:23:37
To answer the question of whether the Illuminati is real, the first thing that needs to be determined is what is meant by the Illuminati. WHat is it? Is it a work of fiction by people like Dan Brown? Is it a re-born secret society or has it existed since its founding by those of the Bavarian Illuminati. How has it changed and is it even in existence anymore? There are a lot of conspiracy theories about this society. Most of it is rubbish, but there is a small fringe group of conspiracy groups that might be on the right track. Did they ever exist? Well, the answer to that question is a resounding "yes." The question that remains is whether it currently exists and in what form? Has it undergone a re-birth or has it lurked in the shadows for hundreds of years---being an actually secret Secret Society. If it exists today it would be a lot more powerful than the original Illuminati. They are rumored to be able to overthrow political systems, to control massives caches of wealth, and to have the will-to-power where if they want something done then they can do it, without the need for help from the non-Illuminated world. They would be insular and compartmentalized.
Most secret societies have an end-goal or end-game. So, what do the Illuminati want to do and why? Adam W., the founder of the Bavarian Illuminati set as his goal the overthrow of all religious institutions, to make for the equality of people, each having intrinsic worth, and the overthrow of all faith-based governments. He was basically a hater of the political and religous reality of his day. He was a radical, who was against those institutions that made for a stable society. He wanted the complete overthrow of political, religious, and monetary institutions. He was a massive radical, and one who managed to gather quite a following. The order of the Illuminati was banned from Bavaria on several occassions, but to no avail. The society underwent a diaspora, having the members of the Illuminati scatter throughout the world due to persecution, and probably reforming their order at various places and times. But the question remains, right now, does the Illuminati exist? In some form it probably does, but it would not have been from direct lineage of the original society but rather the emergence of Illuminati cells that communicate with other Illuminati cells, forming a loose network of people with big ideas.
The Illuminati would be evil if they still existed, as their movement would be without a doubt anti-Christ in nature. So why would a person want to join the Illuminati? Power primarily. They were not known to have lots of wealth, however power they do have, and power eventually brings riches, so like any other subversive movement they have the top powers of any serious society: power to make things happen, money, and influence over the minds of people, moulding the world in their image. One point to consider is their relationship with God. A messenger of the Illuminati, while on a trip to deliver a message to one of the Illuminati groups was struck dead by lightning while couriering his documents. These documents were found on the person of that messenger and all sorts of Illuminati secrets were given to the government at that time and it caused the members to flee, having learned that their whole society was exposed. Even a list of members of the Illuminati was found on the courier after his death. So God isn't playing when he acts in opposition to The Illuminati. The order is against the will of God. Still, people want and seek for power, no matter where that may be found, whether in gentlemen's clubs, societies, or secret societies. The existence of secret societies will be with us for many years to come.
So to answer the question of whether the Illuminati exists? Most probably it does. Is it good? Probably no, not at all. Does it have significant power? Probably yes. Are they in control of world politics? It wouldn't surprise me. What would its membership be in terms of members of the society? Hundreds, with a few dozen elites. But that is just a guess. How would you go about finding members of the Illuminati? In places of power: government, intelligence agencies, education institutions, and banking.
"We aim to misbehave," brings to mind this society. One person who was a member of this society claimed nothing but horror when he took an exit from the society. He could no longer talk about anything to do with the order in any words other than horror. These people are evil---if they exist---and they do.
Pondering the state of the world,
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