• Occult Books - Huge collection

    From NuSkooler@700:100/9 to All on Thursday, October 12, 2017 21:22:11
    Thought some of you may find this interesting:


    --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.8-alpha (linux; x64; 6.11.3)
    * Origin: Xibalba -+- xibalba.l33t.codes:44510 (700:100/9)
  • From themadtux@700:100/6 to NuSkooler on Wednesday, October 18, 2017 20:54:05
    on |1510/12/17|07, |11NuSkooler |08said the following|15.|07.|08.

    Thought some of you may find this interesting:

    Some of that stuff just makes me laugh. I don't know why.. just does. I've
    got some reading material when I'm chilling at home.

    Good find..

    |15-|08t|19|00M|16|08t|07 |08facility|07bbs|15.|00|23darktech|16|15.|08org|07

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A34 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: the facility bbs (700:100/6)
  • From danly@700:100/3 to NuSkooler on Tuesday, April 03, 2018 16:03:02
    Worth reviewing is the Internet Sacred Text Archive:


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A38 2018/01/01 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Alcoholiday / Est. 1995 / alco.bbs.io (700:100/3)