warmfuzzy@700:100/0 to
All on Sunday, March 04, 2018 20:00:55
I've decided to start work on a new projcet. It would be a magazine
dedicated to the textmode computer experience. Subjects of interest would include:
Shell commands,
ANSI artwork,
ASCII artwork,
The BBS community,
Specific BBS software,
Secure communications with proxies
Encoders, transcoders, and processors
Amateur Radio over Packet
Instant Messaging
Text-based games
Specific software: GnuPG, WIPE, nWIPE, SyncTerm, Netrunner,
Text-to-speech and speech to text
LPIC-1/Linux+ tips and hints
IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and its alternatives
etc. etc. etc.
I would like to hear from everyone out there what further ideas you think
would be good to add to the lineup on the magazine, and if you're interested
in helping out on this project.
Furthermore, I'm looking to see if there are any ANSI artists out there who would be willing to do 50x80 screens that will be printed on the cover of
each magazine. On the back of the zine would be a screenshot of the logon
menu or something similar from a BBS of the issue. So the front would have ansi graphics custom for each issue, and the back would have ansi taken from one of the very attractive boards out there. It would be released quarterly.
Peace and thank you!
Best regards,
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A35 (Linux/64)
* Origin: PHATstar RetroBOX! (700:100/0)