In Memory of Lives Lost on 9/11 - RIP
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All on Sunday, September 11, 2022 21:31:56
Its been twenty years since the greatest terrorist attack in modern history. This day will live in infamy for the next foreseeable future. Around 3,000 people lost their lives on this day in 2001. Every year on this date the intelligence community takes in video about those tragic events. This day is one of those days where we stop to remember the fallen. The fallen had family, friends, loves, and children. They died by the hands of Muslim fundamentalists. This hate was not reflective of the Muslim majority, but rather a group of radicalized extremists who will be remembered for their war crimes. The terrorist attacks committed on this day two decades ago were not simple hate crimes, but acts of war.
I write this in memory of the fallen. May your names not be forgotten and may your lives not be lost in vain, but serve as a yearly reminder of the vigilance that is required in the intelligence community to prevent anything like this from happening in the future. You can only do your best; some terrorist attacks will happen, but take heart, you can reduce that number of hate crimes significantly by knowing what the adversary knows, by getting into the mind of the haters, and acting on actionable intelligence. To those people who serve in the shadows and the background, those who work in secret and keep our nations safe: thank you. Many words of gratitude could be spoken, but it will be left at "thank you." With great power comes great responsibility: serve your nations with morals, dignity, and the two greatest commandments of them all. Love God with all of your heart, all of your soul, and all of your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. Treat others as you would like to be treated. So in intelligence collection do it with a white glove and not a steel fist. We are all judged by how we behave, and most often judged by how we behave in extreme situations. If you can be trusted in the little things, then you will have the opportunity to be trusted in great things. In memory of the many fallen.
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