9/11 Remembered so Much in the Next Few Days
warmfuzzy@700:100/37 to
All on Friday, September 02, 2022 23:29:08
Today is September 2nd, 2022, its more than 20 years since the attacks on the World Trade Centre, the Pentagon, and the United States of American in an attack that was no mere terrorist attack but an act of war. Its a day that will be remembered in infamy, like the Pearl Harbor attacks in the 20th century. It is important to separate the hate filled attacks by a bunch of Islamist fundamentalists to that of Muslims in general. Most Muslims that live in the West are against those attacks and against violence in general. However, it is wrong to call the attacks on 9/11 with those who are extremists as if people would actually read the Koran they would find out that war against the "infidels" is a real tenant of their religion, so hate from Muslims against the world is a real thing, its not just some small handful of people who feel this way against the West. It is real hate, specifically mandated by the Koran, and can't be denied, unless a person has an opinion formed with the lack of ever having read the Koran. There are so many "useful idiots" who spread the false gospel of peace when there is little peace promoted. If this article pisses you off then please read the whole Koran and come back to me and we can talk. If you haven't invested the time in reading this Muslim text and you still think your opinion matters you are wrong. A position without a basis in fact it rather weak. I'm not promoting violence here, or hatred, but only encourage people to familiarize themselves with the truth of the matter. Please don't get offended, please get informed.
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