• Black And Nothing Else (BANE)

    From warmfuzzy@700:100/0 to All on Monday, July 27, 2020 18:31:32
    These days when people think of Satanism they think of the Church Of Satan (COS). It is something seen as a childhood rebellion rather than any actual worship of Satan. There are three main groups of Satanism: the Church Of
    Satan (Hedonistic), the Temple Of Set (TOS) (Philosophical), and the Order of Nine Angles (O9A) (Anti-Christ). COS and TOS are less dangerous than the O9A. The O9A is directly against the Church and all righteousness. They are a radical anti-Christian movement. These are the type of people who would brand you with the Mark of The Beast if given the opportunity. They are discussed here because this message area is for "violent extremist religions" and it would be lacking if Anti-Christ Satanism was not included.

    True Satanism is more dangerous than Islamic Extremists or the various movements where the people participating believe that what they are doing is
    a good thing. Satanism however is full of people who believe and indeed know that what they are doing is Evil. They are not deluded into thinking that theirs is a rightous cause, but they rather embrace their criminality. Their end goal is Black And Nothing Else (BANE). God has created the universe, putting things together to form the universe. Satanists on the other hand
    wish to destroy God's creation, undoing what God has put in place. They want to see a universe of nothing, of absense, of black and nothing else.

    If you are a parent and find your kids dabbling in the occult and perhaps
    find them with the Satanic Bible be concerned, it is a slippery slope from rebellion to the ultimate rebellion, resulting in eternal death.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 2020/02/18 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Sp00knet Master Hub [PHATstar] (700:100/0)
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@700:100/20 to warmfuzzy on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 10:07:00
    warmfuzzy wrote to All <=-

    These days when people think of Satanism they think of the Church Of
    Satan (COS). It is something seen as a childhood rebellion rather than any actual worship of Satan.

    Anton La Vey did a lot to publicize the religion by being a
    flamboyant character. I lived in San Francisco, and seeing La Vey
    with a black velvet cape and walking stick, usually with a much
    younger companion became part of living in San Francisco.

    I was out at dinner, sitting 2 tables over from him once. Too far
    away to overhear his conversation without seeming obvious; I would
    have loved to chat him up.

    ... The exception also declares the rule
    --- MultiMail/XT v0.52
    * Origin: realitycheckBBS.org -- information is power. (700:100/20)
  • From Weishaupt@700:100/37 to warmfuzzy on Wednesday, September 09, 2020 06:08:05

    Yeah I mean like take this cat for example. Dude washes cars by day, then plans worldwide Satanic domination by night; it's like, yeah, he'll detail
    your car but he's also a Nexion; an entry point from ancient beings from an acausal realm too sinister to contemplate.

    I wouldn't trust anything that that dude brings to a potluck. Because you
    know he's way worse than the Crowleyites with their Cakes of Light.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: thE qUAntUm wOrmhOlE, rAmsgAtE, uK. bbs.erb.pw (700:100/37)