[ANSI] Sparks: Points to Ponder, Points to Pursue
warmfuzzy@700:100/0 to
All on Wednesday, September 27, 2017 23:45:29
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██ █ Paranormal Studies:▀
█ █ Do spirit beings exist, and can we communicate with them to furt
her▓█ █ our intelligence agendas? Is it possible to com
municate with the██ █ dead? Are ghosts real and can a p
lace really be haunted? Can people ░ ██ █ use psychic pow
ers to protect themselves from lurking dangers? Can a ▓ ██
█ person's aura reveal the inner being of a person, whether good or
█ ██ █ bad? What about Einestein's "Spooky Action at a
Distance..." How█ ██ █ does anomalous cognition work? D
o some spirits have the ability to █ ██ █ manifest thems
elves physicaly, producting effects such as ectoplasm, █ ██
█ moving objects or heating things? Do both good spirits and evil
█ ██ █ spirits communicate with the dead, or is that re
served for evil█ ██ █ spirits? Where can I go to learn
more about the underworld of the█ ██ █ paranormal? Can
a Christian study the paranormal and the occult with █ ██ █
a clean conscience; what's allowed and what's off bounds? Is it eve
n █ ██ █ worth my time studying this stuff, will it actual
ly be useful pieces █ ██ █ of information that I can pract
ically use or just more trivial█ ██ █ pursuits? What ki
nd of kit do ghost hunters use, what does the stuff █ ██ █
do and where can I buy it? These things and much more will be█
██ █ explored here, but first of all have fun, there are d
ie-hard█ ██ █ skeptics and die-hard believers; this pl
ace is for the examination █ ██ █ of the evidence. Pleas
e share your knowledge and resources with all. █ ██ ██
██ █▄▀▄█ █▀█▀▄▀▄▀▄ ▄spark of ideas
: points to ponder, points to pursue ▄ ▀▄▀▄█▄▀
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