• [ANSI] message area introduction

    From warmfuzzy@700:100/0 to All on Monday, August 21, 2017 16:27:48
    ║ paranormal studies: are there such things as spirits and
    if there are can ║ ║Uthey be used to co
    ntact the dead or read the minds of your opposition.║
    │ can supernational abilities be harnassed to the furthering of intelli
    gence ││ in both defense and offense. do people ac
    tually have auras? what about││ psychic warfar
    e where an operator can kill or sicken opposition forces at │
    │ a distance. can the paranormal help intelligence or is it all a sham?
    ││ is there any defense against the supernatur
    al? ▌▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ │
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    ░▓▄░█▀▐▌ a PHATstar production
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    ▀▀░░░▌ ▀▀█░░▌ 30+ echon
    et message areas, 7+ filebone areas, BinkP, 1Gbit/s, 700:100/*
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    * Origin: PHATstar RetroBOX! (700:100/0)