Bitcoin at the Local Currency Exchange
warmfuzzy@700:100/37 to
All on Wednesday, July 19, 2023 01:12:29
I recently was traveling in the Toronto area and found a sign on a foreign currency exchange that listed the dollar sign, the pound sign, the euro sign, and at the end the Bitcoin sign. This was a rather small shop, but I suppose that you don't need to have a large storefront if you're just exchanging money notes. I was surprised that a small shop would be involved in the crypto-currency market, but that's the new thing I suppose. I have heard rumors that there are ATM-like machines which can exchange paper currency for bitcoin credits, I don't think I've ever seen one in real life though. But then if there are vending machines for women's undergarments (and there actually are) then this wouldn't be that far off the market. In case you haven't heard about the under garment thing you can look up "Japanese Vending Panties," some people have some serious issues, but Bitcoin seems to be a major player, even though its not really cryptographically secure, nor is it a standard "currency." So the crypto-currency name is a bit off the mark, but whatever, people will call things what they will, like how some people like can't stop saying things like like or like other needless language modifiers that are like flippin' ridiculous. Heh :)
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Linux/64)
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