• Are you Ready for the Recession/Depression?

    From k9zw@700:100/69 to All on Wednesday, July 13, 2022 19:10:26
    Many indicators point to a recession/depression on a global scale.

    Some say as of June 2022 it has already started.

    Recommended reading is most anything on Austrian Economics (that is the Austrian School of Economics) and specifically one of the best studies of the USA's Great Depression my Murray Rothbard "America's Great Depression" which is available as a pdf from mises.org at https://cdn.mises.org/Americas%20Great%20Depression_3.pdf

    At least try to understand the first 160-170 pages. With a better understanding of the models I you minimally reduce you anxity by knowning what happens next, and hopefully will be able to personally buffer your situation from fully being trashed by what is predicted to happen.

    --- Steve K9ZW via SPOT BBS

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/02/11 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: SPOT BBS / k9zw (700:100/69)
  • From claw@700:100/84 to k9zw on Thursday, July 14, 2022 08:00:21
    On 13 Jul 2022, k9zw said the following...
    Many indicators point to a recession/depression on a global scale.

    Some say as of June 2022 it has already started.

    Recommended reading is most anything on Austrian Economics (that is the Austrian School of Economics) and specifically one of the best studies
    of the USA's Great Depression my Murray Rothbard "America's Great Depression" which is available as a pdf from mises.org at https://cdn.mises.org/Americas%20Great%20Depression_3.pdf

    At least try to understand the first 160-170 pages. With a better understanding of the models I you minimally reduce you anxity by
    knowning what happens next, and hopefully will be able to personally buffer your situation from fully being trashed by what is predicted to happen.

    --- Steve K9ZW via SPOT BBS

    Yeah this has been a long time coming. I expect the worst of it will be the pandemonium that happens when people are killing each other over food. Possibly the end times. We shall see. a Bag of gold buys a loaf of bread.

    I'll check it out though.

    |16|14Sysop |12Noverdu |14BBS |04(|14Noverdu.com|04)
    |10Standard Ports for SSH/Telnet Web/HTTP://|14Noverdu.com:808
    |20|15fsxNet/MRC Chat/Registered Doors!/50Nodes/No Time Use! Stay On!|16|07

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Noverdu BBS (700:100/84)
  • From paulie420@700:100/71 to k9zw on Thursday, July 14, 2022 06:32:09
    Many indicators point to a recession/depression on a global scale.

    Some say as of June 2022 it has already started.

    I'm in sales and have been feeling it since 6 months into Covid... its getting tougher w/ inflation and prices EVERYWHERE feel double.

    I can see the population responding [to sales] the same way, and I'm usually 6 months behind in 'feeling' it... I dunno; I already need things to change around.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/04/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS >> 20ForBeers.com:1337 (700:100/71)
  • From claw@700:100/84 to paulie420 on Friday, July 15, 2022 09:36:56
    On 14 Jul 2022, paulie420 said the following...
    I'm in sales and have been feeling it since 6 months into Covid... its getting tougher w/ inflation and prices EVERYWHERE feel double.

    I can see the population responding [to sales] the same way, and I'm usually 6 months behind in 'feeling' it... I dunno; I already need
    things to change around.


    I feel for ya! At work there swinging the axe around up at the top too. No ones job is safe, money won't go as far. Time to be the next greatest generation. Hopefully they don't completely destroy America in the rest of the term so enough people vote to get someone in that actually understand business and how money actually works.

    |16|14Sysop |12Noverdu |14BBS |04(|14Noverdu.com|04)
    |10Standard Ports for SSH/Telnet Web/HTTP://|14Noverdu.com:808
    |20|15fsxNet/MRC Chat/Registered Doors!/50Nodes/No Time Use! Stay On!|16|07

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Noverdu BBS (700:100/84)
  • From debian@700:100/69 to ALL on Sunday, July 17, 2022 23:02:31
    Where I work, we went into a hiring freeze 3 months ago and our orders (and the quantity of product per order) has dropped significantly. We have gone from several massive orders that would take all employees atleast 1 week to fullfill to orders so small that they are fulfilled within 2 - 3 hours, then were down the rest of the day. We had an event happen at work the other day where ~60% of the workforce called out (they REALLY didn't want to work on saturday) and as a result, we really struggled to produce product. We will be working one more saturday this month and I suspect this will happpen again.

    I work at a company that produces protein bars, so my guess is that people are having to choose between a protein bar and actual food. I would think that the factory should retool and produce the compressed cereal bars (like the bars found in sailor rations), or produce some other type of food that someone could put in their emergency kit. Yeah, you could do that with a protein bar, but those bars have no nutritional value (even the cereal bars don't have much nutritional value either, but they will hold you over in an emergency).

    I am debt free presently and am room mating with family who have also paid off their debts, so when our jobs evaporate, we won't be as negatively impacted. We also had a pretty good harvest in our garden and 6 of our chickens are giving us eggs on a daily basis.

    I just got my hands on some corn and tomato seeds (heirloom) and will be starting those in the spring.

    They are ramping up the covid hoax on the TV once again and are cooking the books on the covid cases ... again. Either we are going to see another round of lockdowns, we will see tighter mask mandates (either you wear the mask,or take the vax if you don't want to wear it), or its just another credible threat and nothing will actually happen. Will have to wait and see on that.

    Where I live in Idaho, there is plenty of farm land near by and farmers markets abound here. Creating a local supply chain shouldn't be as difficult as it would be in other areas.

    How ya gonna do it? PS/2 it!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/02/11 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: SPOT BBS / k9zw (700:100/69)
  • From claw@700:100/84 to debian on Monday, July 18, 2022 17:16:09
    On 17 Jul 2022, debian said the following...
    I work at a company that produces protein bars, so my guess is that
    people are having to choose between a protein bar and actual food. I

    My guess would be its actually between something people feel is a luxury and Gas.

    |16|14Sysop |12Noverdu |14BBS |04(|14Noverdu.com|04)
    |10Standard Ports for SSH/Telnet Web/HTTP://|14Noverdu.com:808
    |20|15fsxNet/MRC Chat/Registered Doors!/50Nodes/No Time Use! Stay On!|16|07

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Noverdu BBS (700:100/84)