In-Person Spear Phishing Salespeople
warmfuzzy@700:100/37 to
All on Sunday, March 10, 2024 00:30:58
Have you ever experienced a door to door salesman that have the perfect deal relating to your computer and network configurations? They seem to know that you'd really like a faster Internet connection (and who doesn't) and they just need a few details to help them customise a service package tailered just for you... they offer 1.2 gigabit down by 1.0 gigabit up at a "very reasonable" price.
The problem? They are phishing (searching sneekily into what your current system configuration is so that they can finely tune their attack against your network infrastructure. You don't get something for nothing and if people have some amazing deal you might need to consider why that is.
I was recently "interviewed" by some door-to-door salesmen at around 6:30 to 7:00 pm, somewhere in that time frame. It was dark outside and I had a "no soliciting" sign stuck there for everyone to see. My current ISP does a fantastic job and I have no intention of switching from them ever. I may upgrade to fibre optic in migration as their services being offered include fibre services, but I'm not switching plans unless it is within my current service provider. The two guys were aggressive and insistant that they can do better than whatever I have.
Unless its a Christian missionary offering you Jesus Christ then you just do not get something for nothing. The free gift of salvation, sure, but amazing deals on Internet service, highly doubtful in being legit.
Do not trust people, especially partners in solicitation after dark with a "no soliciting" sign posted outside. Highly doubtful that anything good will come of that.
Some food for thought...
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