• Real Books and Solid e-Copies

    From k9zw@700:100/69 to All on Tuesday, August 03, 2021 20:05:35
    Since our administration change I am finding a number of books basically withdrawn from the print market. (They do this by running up the last remaining copies they allow to be available for 50 times the usual price, so
    if you want to pay $550 for an $11 paperback, go ahead... basically cuts the flow of new copies to zero. Can find any "remainders" in that market which usually are where the final copies of a unpopular book end up.)

    Then a number of eBooks (I use a Kindle because the paperwhite is readable in no-light remote locations) have been edited. Mostly I am told that they are being edited whether I wanted the original or note. Have had two books deleted, and what paid for them refunded, with a claim of copyright issues as the cover.

    So you need to assemble a hard copy library for yourself, perhaps with a few loaner-copies of important books, and make sure you have a reasonable secure eBook copy for the books you want available that way.

    If your eBooks are stored in the "Cloud" your access is predicated on things both technical and political.

    On eReaders, many report to their mothership retailer what you bought, if you read it, and even at what speed you read. Much of this is automatic AI bot sort of stuff, so you can manipulate the algo's result to an extent. Be careful wi eReaders. But of the flip side you usually can get lots of free classics, which means you can carry the equal of a small school library in
    your pocket or purse.

    In summary hard-copy is the gold standard, eCopies you control and have
    locally stored a close behind and general eBooks the least secure with poor OPSEC.

    --- Steve K9ZW via SPOT BBS

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/08/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: SPOT BBS / k9zw (700:100/69)
  • From Greenlfc@700:100/71 to k9zw on Tuesday, August 03, 2021 21:51:12
    On 03 Aug 2021, k9zw said the following...

    So you need to assemble a hard copy library for yourself, perhaps with a few loaner-copies of important books, and make sure you have a
    reasonable secure eBook copy for the books you want available that way.

    This is a really important message. Of course text and reference are the most important, but even in the entertainment realm online streaming programs are edited to reflect modern mores. Warnings are put in front of old programs that

    they contain badthink, if they're allowed at all.

    I've started collecting vintage DVDs and vinyl just to preserve some of our heritage.

    GreenLFC ║ e> greenleaderfanclub@protonmail.com
    Infosec / Ham / Retro ║ masto> greenleaderfanclub@distrotoot
    Avoids Politics on BBS ║ gem> gemini.greenleader.xyz

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/07/31 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS >> 20ForBeers.com:1337 (700:100/71)
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@700:100/20 to k9zw on Wednesday, August 04, 2021 07:37:00
    k9zw wrote to All <=-

    In summary hard-copy is the gold standard, eCopies you control and have locally stored a close behind and general eBooks the least secure with poor OPSEC.

    Refuse DRM. An ebook that you can loan, give away, back up in the cloud or burn to a DVD is as good as a dead-tree edition.

    ... The tape is now the music
    --- MultiMail/DOS v0.52
    * Origin: realitycheckBBS.org -- information is power. (700:100/20)
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@700:100/20 to Greenlfc on Wednesday, August 04, 2021 07:40:00
    Greenlfc wrote to k9zw <=-

    This is a really important message. Of course text and reference are
    the most important, but even in the entertainment realm online
    streaming programs are edited to reflect modern mores. Warnings are
    put in front of old programs that they contain badthink, if they're allowed at all.

    The recent release of the first season DVD of "Sesame Street" came with a parental advisory that some of the content might not be appropriate for (today's) kids.

    ... The tape is now the music
    --- MultiMail/DOS v0.52
    * Origin: realitycheckBBS.org -- information is power. (700:100/20)
  • From Greenlfc@700:100/71 to poindexter FORTRAN on Thursday, August 05, 2021 22:36:33
    On 04 Aug 2021, poindexter FORTRAN said the following...

    The recent release of the first season DVD of "Sesame Street" came with
    a parental advisory that some of the content might not be appropriate
    for (today's) kids.

    I'd like to say, "unbelievable," but sadly nothing is any more.

    GreenLFC ║ e> greenleaderfanclub@protonmail.com
    Infosec / Ham / Retro ║ masto> greenleaderfanclub@distrotoot
    Avoids Politics on BBS ║ gem> gemini.greenleader.xyz

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/08/05 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS >> 20ForBeers.com:1337 (700:100/71)
  • From paulie420@700:100/71 to Greenlfc on Friday, August 06, 2021 03:56:13
    The recent release of the first season DVD of "Sesame Street" came wi a parental advisory that some of the content might not be appropriat for (today's) kids.

    I'd like to say, "unbelievable," but sadly nothing is any more.

    OMFG... I'd like to have a copy of that, but I'll just download the .JPG.



    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/08/05 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS >> 20ForBeers.com:1337 (700:100/71)
  • From debian@700:100/69 to all on Wednesday, August 10, 2022 11:25:29
    This is another good reason to keep multiple backups of any important material on various forms of media, both on-site and off (if possible). Various formats also make it a bit more difficult to censor so long as those formats aren't connected to "the mothership" in any way.


    How ya gonna do it? PS/2 it!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/02/11 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: SPOT BBS / k9zw (700:100/69)
  • From k9zw@700:100/69 to debian on Wednesday, August 10, 2022 14:29:22
    On 10 Aug 2022, debian said the following...

    This is another good reason to keep multiple backups of any important material on various forms of media, both on-site and off (if possible). Various formats also make it a bit more difficult to censor so long as those formats aren't connected to "the mothership" in any way.

    Back in the day a properly sealed copy of documents would be physically mailed with recorded delivery to either your attorney, a trusted person or if there wasn't someone else, to yourself.

    The idea was that if the sealed document was presented to a court as evidence the seal and dating would add credence to the information it contained.

    Early in the days of large archive organizations scraping the web for content, some people advocated using them as respositories, but as the trust in their involatility dwindled that idea has been scrapped.

    There are ways to make storage grade eCopies, which will be a topic returned to in another post.

    --- Steve K9ZW via SPOT BBS

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/02/11 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: SPOT BBS / k9zw (700:100/69)
  • From Greenlfc@700:100/71 to k9zw on Tuesday, August 16, 2022 06:06:44
    On 10 Aug 2022, k9zw said the following...

    There are ways to make storage grade eCopies, which will be a topic returned to in another post.

    If you're worried about preservation, you've got to treat it like evidence in a criminal case. I found it stunning during the Rittenhouse trial that the prosecution had such a poor command of their electronic evidence, especially the video evidence. You save the hashes of the files and then protect that list of hashes. Compare the hash when you go to open the file and it'll reveal any tampering or damage due to bitrot.

    Multiple copies, multiple media, is the way to go when you're serious about archiving.

    GreenLFC ║ e> greenleaderfanclub@protonmail.com
    Infosec / Ham / Retro ║ masto> GLFC@mstdn.starnix.network
    Avoids Politics on BBS ║ gem> gemini.greenleader.xyz

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS >> 20ForBeers.com:1337 (700:100/71)