Short Wave Radio - THE place for AgitProp
warmfuzzy@700:100/0 to
All on Wednesday, February 06, 2019 01:19:58
Cuba is famous for being on 6.000 MHz for many years now. Their radio shows tell about Cuba's prosperity, good initiatives, and present the nation as one with great public relations. Russia had the Voice of Russia some years back and it was so interesting how they put a unique spin on things. If you're looking for truth you may find several shades of gray instead of any complete truth. There are those rare Billy Graham messages sent out from 400,000 kW transmitters that send the Good News all over North and South America, but apart from that its alllll propaganda. There are also programs where people pay to use a certain transmitter at a certain time and address an audience, having paid for their time on the air. Do you think that there is just too much Alex Jones? Well worry no more, he's on hundreds of thousands of watts coming direct from the USA to everone :D His empire is growing by the day, only slowed down by some poorly chosen words recently of his. Back to the AgitProp (agitation and propaganda: a term the Soviet's used)... the strange thing about presenting controversial and sometimes ludacris "facts" is that there seem to always be at least a small group who actually buy the story hook-line-and-sinker. I find it so amazing how many people hear crazies on the air, are requested to donate to the cause, and send in many many thousands of dollars. In this I'm not referring to Alex Jones, to which I will remain neutral, but rather a certain preacher woman who is on every night with her far-out messages that I try to stay away from. If you are interested in what the best shortwave radio there is I would suggest you buying a "GRUNDIG Satellit 750" .. they are expensive and worth every penny. I have had many a good night listening to the left and right, the far out and those who are coherent. I think that this investment will change your mind on the rest of the world: the foreigners have so much in similiarity to us while being so diverse and even diametrically opposed... friend and foe, faith vs. faith, peace makers vs. terrorists...
If you want to really understand a people then listen to their own media, as the media oft controlls the perception that the population.has.
After finding a good spot on shortwave you may find that you want to participate in the chatter. If this is the case then try to get your amateur radio license and you can chat with those all the way to Latin America and beyond. Short wave is popular because of its interaction with the upper atmosphere, a place called the ionosphere. When certain radio transmissions
in the high-frequency band (HF) get to the ionosphere it bounces around in there for some time and comes down to the ground many tens of thousands of kilometers away. The signal skips around up there and greatly expands the reception area of the radio emissions. Check it out.
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