• ... not worthy.

    From paulie420@700:100/71 to NuSkooler on Sunday, January 14, 2024 16:13:09
    I know I have a different opinion at times, but I don't see any advantage to debating when the opposition has ZER0 inclination to being open to the other side.

    It's a losing fight, sadly. :P

    I might not always agree, but I listen and remain open to change - this is not that.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS >> 20ForBeers.com:1337 (700:100/71)
  • From NuSkooler@700:100/9 to paulie420 on Monday, January 15, 2024 09:37:21

    On Sunday, January 14th paulie420 said...
    I might not always agree, but I listen and remain open to change - this is not that.

    Oh I listen. I stopped caring about "agreeing to disagree" and the like with these folk quite a while back when their opinions started being thrown around as something we should treat as facts, and they started going into the same realm as those that sport swastikas.

    |08 ■ |12NuSkooler |06// |12Xibalba |08- |07"|06The place of fear|07"
    |08 ■ |03xibalba|08.|03vip |08(|0344510|08/|03telnet|08, |0344511|08/|03ssh|08)
    |08 ■ |03ENiGMA 1/2 WHQ |08| |03Phenom |08| |0367 |08| |03iMPURE |08| |03ACiDic
    --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.14-beta (linux; x64; 18.18.2)
    * Origin: Xibalba -+- xibalba.l33t.codes:44510 (700:100/9)
  • From paulie420@700:100/71 to NuSkooler on Monday, January 15, 2024 18:27:15
    I might not always agree, but I listen and remain open to change - th is not that.

    Oh I listen. I stopped caring about "agreeing to disagree" and the like with these folk quite a while back when their opinions started being thrown around as something we should treat as facts, and they started going into the same realm as those that sport swastikas.

    You read that the wrong way; or I was trying not to stir... this discussion isn't worthy of your replies. Not the other way around.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS >> 20ForBeers.com:1337 (700:100/71)
  • From NuSkooler@700:100/9 to paulie420 on Monday, January 15, 2024 20:58:10

    On Monday, January 15th paulie420 was heard saying...
    You read that the wrong way; or I was trying not to stir... this discussion isn't worthy of your replies. Not the other way around.

    Sorry, wasn't intending to throw dirt your way either. I agree it's not really worth replying... I get caught up when I see this kind of crap though. I'm OK with differences of opinions including politics. The alt right nonsense that's plaguing not only the US, but even Germany (again!) etc. IMO, is something we've all let grow vs just cutting it right out like a cancer.

    |08 ■ |12NuSkooler |06// |12Xibalba |08- |07"|06The place of fear|07"
    |08 ■ |03xibalba|08.|03vip |08(|0344510|08/|03telnet|08, |0344511|08/|03ssh|08)
    |08 ■ |03ENiGMA 1/2 WHQ |08| |03Phenom |08| |0367 |08| |03iMPURE |08| |03ACiDic
    --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.14-beta (linux; x64; 18.18.2)
    * Origin: Xibalba -+- xibalba.l33t.codes:44510 (700:100/9)
  • From roman@700:100/69 to paulie420 on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 03:18:10
    Yes, any discussion is not worthy of your answers, because here you cannot ban anyone, insult anyone, call them a pedophile, and so on.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: SPOT BBS / k9zw (700:100/69)
  • From paulie420@700:100/71 to NuSkooler on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 07:50:58
    You read that the wrong way; or I was trying not to stir... this discussion isn't worthy of your replies. Not the other way around.

    Sorry, wasn't intending to throw dirt your way either. I agree it's not really worth replying... I get caught up when I see this kind of crap though. I'm OK with differences of opinions including politics. The alt right nonsense that's plaguing not only the US, but even Germany
    (again!) etc. IMO, is something we've all let grow vs just cutting it right out like a cancer.

    Doesn't help that the other option is less than viable - hurry up and start marketing Michelle...

    But fully agree w/ you that the far any sides are just... not where we need to be.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS >> 20ForBeers.com:1337 (700:100/71)
  • From roman@700:100/69 to paulie420 on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 10:34:32
    I've always been amazed at your bipolar hypocrisy. Now I understand why so many people want you dead.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: SPOT BBS / k9zw (700:100/69)
  • From NuSkooler@700:100/9 to paulie420 on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 09:39:35

    On Tuesday, January 16th paulie420 muttered...
    Doesn't help that the other option is less than viable - hurry up and start marketing Michelle...

    Totally agree. The fact that the DNC hasn't even bothered to put forth another option, and has botched the previous elections with the same line of thinking... ugg.

    |08 ■ |12NuSkooler |06// |12Xibalba |08- |07"|06The place of fear|07"
    |08 ■ |03xibalba|08.|03vip |08(|0344510|08/|03telnet|08, |0344511|08/|03ssh|08)
    |08 ■ |03ENiGMA 1/2 WHQ |08| |03Phenom |08| |0367 |08| |03iMPURE |08| |03ACiDic
    --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.14-beta (linux; x64; 18.18.2)
    * Origin: Xibalba -+- xibalba.l33t.codes:44510 (700:100/9)
  • From NuSkooler@700:100/9 to roman on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 13:46:22

    On Tuesday, January 16th roman said...
    I've always been amazed at your bipolar hypocrisy. Now I understand why so many people want you dead.

    The fuck? This guy keeps threatening violence. Pretty bold. Pretty bold.

    |08 ■ |12NuSkooler |06// |12Xibalba |08- |07"|06The place of fear|07"
    |08 ■ |03xibalba|08.|03vip |08(|0344510|08/|03telnet|08, |0344511|08/|03ssh|08)
    |08 ■ |03ENiGMA 1/2 WHQ |08| |03Phenom |08| |0367 |08| |03iMPURE |08| |03ACiDic
    --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.14-beta (linux; x64; 18.18.2)
    * Origin: Xibalba -+- xibalba.l33t.codes:44510 (700:100/9)
  • From roman@700:100/55 to NuSkooler on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 16:32:31
    You just know how to find friends. And all I tell you is that there are people who wish you harm. I hope this doesn't surprise you too much.
    Don't try to blame me for what you have already done to find "friends". I have absolutely nothing to do with it. I'm just letting you know how the world works. Stop here taking your anger out on me for your antics with your friend. Find the courage to go where you behaved ugly last time and apologize to everyone.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: The Underground (700:100/55)
  • From NuSkooler@700:100/9 to roman on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 17:31:06

    On Tuesday, January 16th roman muttered...
    You just know how to find friends. And all I tell you is that there are people who wish you harm. I hope this doesn't surprise you too much. Don't try to blame me for what you have already done to find "friends". I have absolutely nothing to do with it. I'm just letting you know how the world works. Stop here taking your anger out on me for your antics with your friend. Find the courage to go where you behaved ugly last time and apologize to everyone.


    |08 ■ |12NuSkooler |06// |12Xibalba |08- |07"|06The place of fear|07"
    |08 ■ |03xibalba|08.|03vip |08(|0344510|08/|03telnet|08, |0344511|08/|03ssh|08)
    |08 ■ |03ENiGMA 1/2 WHQ |08| |03Phenom |08| |0367 |08| |03iMPURE |08| |03ACiDic
    --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.14-beta (linux; x64; 18.18.2)
    * Origin: Xibalba -+- xibalba.l33t.codes:44510 (700:100/9)
  • From paulie420@700:100/71 to roman on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 17:15:27
    I've always been amazed at your bipolar hypocrisy. Now I understand why
    so many people want you dead.



    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS >> 20ForBeers.com:1337 (700:100/71)
  • From paulie420@700:100/71 to NuSkooler on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 17:16:02
    Totally agree. The fact that the DNC hasn't even bothered to put forth another option, and has botched the previous elections with the same
    line of thinking... ugg.

    Yes they have!! - Nikki Haley!



    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS >> 20ForBeers.com:1337 (700:100/71)
  • From paulie420@700:100/71 to NuSkooler on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 17:18:04
    I've always been amazed at your bipolar hypocrisy. Now I understand w so many people want you dead.

    The fuck? This guy keeps threatening violence. Pretty bold. Pretty bold.

    And I've been so nice to his platform and attempted to give him one. What some people don't like hearing is other peoples opinions - which is a deal breaker for me.

    It's not bold, it's big barks from a world far far away from what we know as normal.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS >> 20ForBeers.com:1337 (700:100/71)
  • From roman@700:100/69 to paulie420 on Wednesday, January 17, 2024 03:07:29
    Everything is much simpler. You are simply parasitizing on other people's content. That's your whole philosophy.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: SPOT BBS / k9zw (700:100/69)
  • From roman@700:100/69 to NuSkooler on Wednesday, January 17, 2024 03:08:59
    As I already wrote to you above. The BBS world is small. And I know more about you than I would like to know. Therefore, I will not repeat what was said. Just get on with your show.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: SPOT BBS / k9zw (700:100/69)
  • From k9zw@700:100/69 to paulie420 on Wednesday, January 17, 2024 09:54:14
    On 16 Jan 2024, paulie420 said the following...

    Totally agree. The fact that the DNC hasn't even bothered to put fort another option, and has botched the previous elections with the same line of thinking... ugg.

    Yes they have!! - Nikki Haley!

    Nimarata Nikki Randhawa (aka Nikki Haley) seems to be an anchor-baby?

    Actually it is only the edits at Wiki that put Nikki in her name - which at birth is reported to be Nimrata Kaur Randhawa

    She certainly is a tool of the DNC at the moment, but one wonders if she is really one who goes with the highest bidder?

    --- Steve K9ZW via SPOT BBS

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: SPOT BBS / k9zw (700:100/69)
  • From roman@700:100/69 to k9zw on Wednesday, January 17, 2024 13:47:10
    Do you have more information about her connection with the Democrats?
    This is an unexpected turn of events for me. I did not know about it.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: SPOT BBS / k9zw (700:100/69)
  • From k9zw@700:100/69 to roman on Wednesday, January 17, 2024 16:44:25
    On 17 Jan 2024, roman said the following...

    Do you have more information about her connection with the Democrats?
    This is an unexpected turn of events for me. I did not know about it.

    She is Biden's agenda in Republican clothes.

    Easiest would be the last four five minutes of Tucker's episode 65


    --- Steve K9ZW via SPOT BBS

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: SPOT BBS / k9zw (700:100/69)
  • From shitty@700:100/18 to roman on Wednesday, January 17, 2024 16:00:47
    Do you have more information about her connection with the Democrats?
    This is an unexpected turn of events for me. I did not know about it.

    Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn Co-Founder, donated $250,000 to Haley's campaign.

    Then he said "I'll be voting for Biden."

    The globalists prefer Biden, but they are ok with Haley also. ;)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: ..wizardsrainbow.com..323.436.5249..los angeles.. (700:100/18)
  • From paulie420@700:100/71 to k9zw on Wednesday, January 17, 2024 18:05:22
    Nimarata Nikki Randhawa (aka Nikki Haley) seems to be an anchor-baby?

    Actually it is only the edits at Wiki that put Nikki in her name - which at birth is reported to be Nimrata Kaur Randhawa

    She certainly is a tool of the DNC at the moment, but one wonders if she is really one who goes with the highest bidder?

    IMO the democrats are trying to cover as many 'bases' as they can - while Trump supporters will put a stop to any Haley ticket, I think that the dems are supporting her b/c they know she can be bought. That's just my opinion, but...


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS >> 20ForBeers.com:1337 (700:100/71)
  • From roman@700:100/69 to k9zw on Thursday, January 18, 2024 03:11:51
    Manchurian candidate new version.Who is its main financial donor?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: SPOT BBS / k9zw (700:100/69)
  • From roman@700:100/69 to shitty on Thursday, January 18, 2024 03:14:00
    It looks like the United States is using the dirty political technology of election spoilers to its fullest. When there are many candidates with the same agenda. In many countries this is illegal and unconstitutional.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: SPOT BBS / k9zw (700:100/69)
  • From k9zw@700:100/69 to shitty on Thursday, January 18, 2024 09:31:45
    On 17 Jan 2024, shitty said the following...

    Do you have more information about her connection with the Democrats? This is an unexpected turn of events for me. I did not know about it.

    Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn Co-Founder, donated $250,000 to Haley's campaign.

    Then he said "I'll be voting for Biden."

    Nikki is their "Plan-B" - Decepitcon

    --- Steve K9ZW via SPOT BBS

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: SPOT BBS / k9zw (700:100/69)
  • From shitty@700:100/18 to roman on Sunday, January 21, 2024 05:09:42
    It looks like the United States is using the dirty political technology
    of election spoilers to its fullest. When there are many candidates with the same agenda. In many countries this is illegal and unconstitutional.

    The Democrats do that every time there is a presidential election. They also did it when there was an election for governor in my state. They are highly organized and it takes an act of God for anyone to defeat them.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: ..wizardsrainbow.com..323.436.5249..los angeles.. (700:100/18)