The article was written by a research group led by Mr. Egan Tong, who works in Beijing in the field of molecular biology and previously worked for the PLA. The point of the article is that a new variant of
coronavirus has been found, called GX_P2V. It is absolutely lethal to hACE2 mice, which are not really mice. These are so-called transgenic mice, in which some cell membrane proteins are identical to human ones. Everything that infects such a mouse infects humans.
They specifically mutate these viruses to test their lethality. It's like shooting yourself in the head to see if the Colt pistol system works.
Many SysOps write that they will vote for Michelle Obama. I will simply not comment on this issue. I just won't.
The article was written by a research group led by Mr. Egan Tong, who works in Beijing in the field of molecular biology and previously worked for the PLA. The point of the article is that a new variant of
coronavirus has been found, called GX_P2V. It is absolutely lethal to hACE2 mice, which are not really mice. These are so-called transgenic mice, in which some cell membrane proteins are identical to human ones. Everything that infects such a mouse infects humans.
You know, I try to stay ahead of events through a wide information network
of 200 English-language sites and 100 sites in other languages. But the bulk of news comes through CDG. I know that many people don't like its design,
but the news coverage there is many times greater than on any social
network. Reading the news every evening in CDG takes at least 1.5 hours. I know that many people cannot afford this. But if you want to be informed,
you need to read not 1 or 2 media per day, but at least 150-250.
Now is a good time for people to start asking themselves "Why do I vote for Democrats?"
They're more focused on "When will I get bonus food stamps?"
Many SysOps write that they will vote for Michelle Obama. I will simply not comment on this issue. I just won't.
Michelle Obama destroyed school lunches for the kids. The schools used to serve delicious food when I was a kid, but now they put peanut butter and jelly on wheat bread (bad combination) and awful wheat-bread pizza. She said she didn't want the kids to be overweight, so now they're starving instead.
to serve delicious food when I was a kid, but now they put peanut butter and jelly on wheat bread (bad combination) and awful wheat-bread pizza.
You know, I try to stay ahead of events through a wide information
network of 200 English-language sites and 100 sites in other languages. But the bulk of news comes through CDG. I know that many people don't
like its design, but the news coverage there is many times greater than
on any social network.
Reading the news every evening in CDG takes at least 1.5 hours. I know that many people cannot afford this. But if you want to be informed, you need to read not 1 or 2 media per day, but at least 150-250.
You do realize (lol, trick question!), that school lunches have been -- for a very long time -- in a special class allowing them to be below standards. You literally can't serve that shit anywhere but school, or
to animals.
Where do you come up with this nonsene? Kids are now eating (slightly) healthier. The "libs" are also providing school lunches to kids who
often get that as their only meal (poverty et al.); Guess who tries to block it EVERY. SINGLE. TIME? The GOP. Always the modern GOP. Always. Banning books? GOP. Cutting school funding? GOP.
You conspiracy bafoons need to get off YouTube or whatever the hell it
is you do for your "research", and start getting educated. Which reminds me of other fun facts: Study after study after study after study shows people leaning far right as less educated, self focused (the "I got
mine!" attitude), lacking of empathy, more prone to conspiracy theories, and one of my favorites: Favoring fascist leaders.
to serve delicious food when I was a kid, but now they put peanut but and jelly on wheat bread (bad combination) and awful wheat-bread pizz
isn't bread always made with wheat?
No, I never realized that. How did you know that? I used to love school lunches in the 80s & 90s.
Who's not feeding their kids and blaming it on poverty? Sounds very irresponsible to me.
There is an effort in my city for the schools to feed the children every day of the week, even in the summer. But it makes no sense. What are parents for?
The GOP is an extension of the United States Democratic Party. If you have a problem with the GOP, you should write a letter to the DNC.
Studying studies doesn't make you smart. That's how "blacks suffer from everything even worse than white people" got started. A real scientist measures his own statistics, and doesn't let the TV do it for him.
Conspiracies exist. Theorizing about them is smart, because otherwise you catch a virus like GX_P2V, and then you die while saying to youself "Oh no! I'm missing the Jimmy Kimmel Show!"
No, I never realized that. How did you know that? I used to love scho lunches in the 80s & 90s.
I'm not sure why you're having a problem separating "liking food as a
kid" and "healthy".
Who's not feeding their kids and blaming it on poverty? Sounds very irresponsible to me.
You do know what the word poverty means, right? It sounds like you may need a dictionary.
Studying studies doesn't make you smart. That's how "blacks suffer fr everything even worse than white people" got started. A real scientis measures his own statistics, and doesn't let the TV do it for him.
No, that's definitely NOT how science works. Also, if your weird and
broad statement is referring to blacks having less opportunities, and general mistreatment, that's due to shitasses like yourself. It got started when racist fucks decided to be uneducated racist fucks.
Science isn't in a vacuum. Peer reviewed studies are tested, retested, cross examined, etc. And when they all lead to the same thing, we can generally safely say "this is due to X"; and the studies continue.
Conspiracies certainly do exist. We're watching one play out in the US with the Pumkinfuhrer attempting and co attempting to stage a coup. See. Real conspiracy.
They specifically mutate these viruses to test their lethality. It's shooting yourself in the head to see if the Colt pistol system works.
Now is a good time for people to start asking themselves "Why do I vote for Democrats?"
Many SysOps write that they will vote for Michelle Obama. I will simply not comment on this issue. I just won't.
You know, I try to stay ahead of events through a wide information
network of 200 English-language sites and 100 sites in other languages. But the bulk of news comes through CDG.
It's interesting how quickly the topic changed from the fact that the communists want to seize power to the topic of the quality of school lunches.
there's another type called "wheat bread." Wheat bread tastes like crap, but I eat it anyway because it has less calories than whiteMakes sense now. English isn't my first language so I was confused. Thanks for explaining.
When food tastes like shit, and it gets tossed in the trash, and the kid doesn't eat anything then, that's not healthy.
If a parent is not feeding their child, they need to be arrested, no matter how "poverty-stricken" they are. But instead of arresting them, idiot liberals prefer to make taxpayers feed them more shit that they don't wanna eat, so they can practice throwing food in the trash at home also.
When it comes to TV Narratives VS Use-Your-Brain, you've chosen TV Narratives. Wise choice! ;)
Somebody is staging a coup? It won't work. The Democrats will stop at nothing to maintain power over us. They're even willing to unleash viruses that will kill millions of people. That's not somebody you stage a coup against.
NuSkooler wrote to shitty <=-
You do realize (lol, trick question!), that school lunches have been -- for a very long time -- in a special class allowing them to be below standards. You literally can't serve that shit anywhere but school, or
to animals.
Where do you come up with this nonsene? Kids are now eating (slightly) healthier. The "libs" are also providing school lunches to kids who
often get that as their only meal (poverty et al.); Guess who tries to block it EVERY. SINGLE. TIME? The GOP. Always the modern GOP. Always. Banning books? GOP. Cutting school funding? GOP.
unixl0rd wrote to shitty <=-
to serve delicious food when I was a kid, but now they put peanut butter and jelly on wheat bread (bad combination) and awful wheat-bread pizza.
isn't bread always made with wheat?
... It might be 90° to reality - but in which direction?
It's interesting how quickly the topic changed from the fact that the communists want to seize power to the topic of the quality of school lunches.
They specifically mutate these viruses to test their lethality. shooting yourself in the head to see if the Colt pistol system w
Now is a good time for people to start asking themselves "Why do I vo for Democrats?"
WHat about the strong evidence that it is the "system" that votes for the Democrats and that individual voters are no longer the origin of the winning quanity of votes?
Many SysOps write that they will vote for Michelle Obama. I will simp not comment on this issue. I just won't.
Such is the sad state of the world where those with other opinions cannot express them for fear of backlash.
And those who operating BBSes would express support for a person who is the most likely to shut them down or allow strong controls to be placed upon the BBS scene is even more sad.
BTW If you send your children to the modern public schools you are more suspect than just allowing them to eat crappy school food. Small school districts, parochial schools, and home schooling seem to be better options.
"idiot liberals" have pushed forward minimum wage hikes so the parents
can you know, afford to feed their children, have a home, etc. Of
course, you're against that too.
When it comes to TV Narratives VS Use-Your-Brain, you've chosen TV Narratives. Wise choice! ;)
You're literally the only one in this thread that has mentioned TV.
I really can't tell if you're a troll, or just that god damn dumb. Unfortunantely, the evidence shows you're probably the 2nd option.
The irony of a "pro-life" legislator passing anti-abortion legislation
while preventing aid and benefits to children pushes the boundaries of
Why do you think you have the right to insult a unco? Maybe he shed his blood for the United States and is concerned about school lunches for that reason. What kind of manner of getting personal in a debate? The Constitution protects the right of any person to freedom of speech, even if person is a communist or a fascist.
Who lost their home because Republicans refused to agree to a minimum wage hike? I just never heard that story before. It sounds imaginary.
Reliance on government for food is ignorance. They want people to stop eating beef and to start eating crickets. They can stay out of my kitchen.
Where else would you get so much disinformation from? You're convinced that black people hurt more than other colors do. You're convinced that poor people can't afford to feed their kids because Republicans. You didn't come to those bogus conclusions on your own; admit it, it's the TV talkin.
shitty wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
Something that's not ironic: Pro-choice voters being content with
Biden's 2000 deaths along the border, 500 rapes in the Darien Gap, and more than 20 million migrants without background checks roaming the streets.
Well, then you must understand the consequences of this.
I grew up in a middle-class household with one income and two kids.Same here. Instead of casseroles we had potatoes and pork (and sometimes fish).
Money wasn't scarce, but I could tell we weren't rich. Dinners were
often casseroles and other dishes made to stretch a dollar, and I don't
recall *not* eating what was served.
My daughter would rather go hungry (and snack later) than eat what she
doesn't want to eat. Night and day. She's complained about the school
lunches as much as any kid.
I just give mine the same plate over and over until she eats it. Hunger is the best spice.
My life experience is that people who insult strangers anywhere are sometimes found murdered in their homes or they sometimes go missing. If this happened many times because of a ban in game servers, what do you think will happen if you insult strangers about whom you know nothing. Moreover, the BBS world is very small. Perhaps you don't know about this. Therefore, I consider it my duty to notify you that there are many evil and vengeful people in the world.
My goal is to warn you how the world works. Your right to do as you please. In any case, if something happens to you, I will not be surprised.
NuSkooler wrote to roman <=-
I'm unclear if this is a threat, or you're stating that 'shitty' is a threat. Anyone making physical threats towards me probably should think twice, or thrice.
+1 for the use of "thrice". :)
Who lost their home because Republicans refused to agree to a minimum wage hike? I just never heard that story before. It sounds imaginary.
Oh word! Let me help you:
* poll-1576579
I'm sure you might even agree with that one - but I'm sure you also
agree with the concept of "lazy" Mexicans coming to take our jobs, or whatever nonsense Trump and co have spewed for the last 10+ years. Oh
and "They don't pay taxes", though of course, they'd be paying taxes on their earings.
You're good at dodging issues, aren't you? Run through your little plan
of throwing the parents in jail (taxpayer money), and then you're left with the options of feeding the kids anyway (taxpayer money) or letting them die. Please tell us your master plan here.
Where else would you get so much disinformation from? You're convince that black people hurt more than other colors do. You're convinced th poor people can't afford to feed their kids because Republicans. You didn't come to those bogus conclusions on your own; admit it, it's th talkin.
These are studies. Remember how you brought up "science", then proceeded to tell us how science worked, which wasn't actually how science works, then keep pointing to the TV. Then in other threads, just point to some wonky "news" sites full of YouTube consipiracy nuts screaming about crap in their pickups.
I didn't say GOP kept made them poor, the GOP helps keep them that way. Though actually, some of it is quite deliberate. So there, now I've said it a bit.
The US was literally built on this shit, and half of the states fought
and died trying to keep it. The same states and people have generations
of racists tring to keep it that way.
1. Border deaths haven't trended conclusively one way or the other -
certainly not in a way that you could inflate the total and attribute
it to Biden. Given that republican politics are in the news recently,
2. Please explain how Biden is culpable for rapes in Panama.
3. See
The estimates are in the neighborhood of 11 million. I have news for
shitty wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
The estimates are in the neighborhood of 11 million. I have news for
Even if that were accurate information, 11 million people without background checks are enough to cause plenty trouble. Let them stay at your place, since you voted for Biden.
Undocumented migrant workers have been a part of the American economy
for about as long as there's been agriculture.
The estimates are in the neighborhood of 11 million. I have news for
Even if that were accurate information, 11 million people without background checks are enough to cause plenty trouble. Let them stay a your place, since you voted for Biden.
Undocumented migrant workers have been a part of the American economy
for about as long as there's been agriculture.
That's slavery.
shitty wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
Undocumented migrant workers have been a part of the American economy
for about as long as there's been agriculture.
That's slavery.
On Sunday, January 21st shitty was heard saying...
That's slavery.
Paying people for work they volunteer for is not slavery...
The estimates are in the neighborhood of 11 million. I have news
Even if that were accurate information, 11 million people withou background checks are enough to cause plenty trouble. Let them s your place, since you voted for Biden.
Undocumented migrant workers have been a part of the American economy for about as long as there's been agriculture.
That's slavery.
Undocumented migrant workers have been a part of the American ec for about as long as there's been agriculture.
That's slavery.
Undocumented is not unpaid.
It's not slavery, but it's immoral. pF wants to pay brown people less than minimum wage, but he thinks he's doing them a favor because our minimum wage is higher than theirs. (Nice guy.)
Undocumented migrant workers have been a part of the Americ for about as long as there's been agriculture.
That's slavery.
Undocumented is not unpaid.
It's not slavery, but it's immoral. pF wants to pay brown people less
than minimum wage, but he thinks he's doing them a favor because our minimum wage is higher than theirs. (Nice guy.)
It's also insanely hard to get into the US legally. It takes years and years. When you're still earning more than you would back home, and
don't have to fear for your life (well, as much...), it's still "a good deal" for many people.
k9zw wrote to shitty <=-
It's not slavery, but it's immoral. pF wants to pay brown people less
than minimum wage, but he thinks he's doing them a favor because our minimum wage is higher than theirs. (Nice guy.)
Who is pF?
It's also insanely hard to get into the US legally. It takes years and years. When you're still earning more than you would back home, and
don't have to fear for your life (well, as much...), it's still "a good deal" for many people.
I'm left somewhat puzzled by being upset about a free market, as it is that sort of wage disparity (and opportunity disparity) that moved my family from Europe to North America in the mid-1800s.
It's not slavery, but it's immoral. pF wants to pay brown people less than minimum wage, but he thinks he's doing them a favor because our minimum wage is higher than theirs. (Nice guy.)
Who is pF?
I think pF is me; I'd love for "shitty" to provide a quote supporting
his claim above, or else they're just another troll.
I live in an agricultural region and continually see migrant workers
working their collective asses off. To attribute the above sentiment to
me disgusts me.
k9zw wrote to shitty <=-
Who is pF?
I think pF is me
The free market doesn't mean that we are "free to pay people less than minimum wage." It means that we have a right to run private busineses, without having the government own a share of it.
k9zw wrote to shitty <=-
It is really hard to hire anyone at minimum wage. We can't even hire
kids in kids training approved roles at much less than 1.5x to 2x
minimum. Somewhat makes the whole minimum wage concept moot in
That's an excuse. It's difficult to move to any country. No sane government wants milions of people who aren't eligible to work, and without background checks, wandering around.
You can't escape crime by coming to my country without a background check, because then you're just making my country bad like yours.
People in Ukraine are in fear for their life. Have you noticed that our migrants aren't coming from Ukraine?
You just circular logiced your 2nd position: "...who aren't elible to work". Well, then do that, make them eligible. It's not hard.
That's some serious FUD. People escaping crime and prosecution aren't coming here to "do crimes" like the Orange fuhrer claims. They are
coming to work and try to make a better life for themselves. If it were even semi reasonable to get into the US legally, people would (and still try to do, though it takes 10+ years minimum, if you're lucky).
People in Ukraine are in fear for their life. Have you noticed that migrants aren't coming from Ukraine?
Uh, people in Ukraine aren't escaping government corruption, presecution, violent crime rates, cartels, etc.; their country is being invaded by a fasist -- one that your boy Trump really looks up to & has extremely
close ties to as well.
It is hard, because they don't have background checks. You can't hire people without checking their backgrounds unless you're hiring them to shovel shit.
You can't speak for 10 million people. You're just generalizing in a very ignorant way. It doesn't take 10 years to get into the USA legally, especially not if you have a sponsor. Without a sponsor, you just need a passport. You're trying to bullshit the wrong man about this stuff because I've experienced it.
So they ain't brown enough, is what you're saying?
k9zw wrote to shitty <=-
It is really hard to hire anyone at minimum wage. We can't even hire kids in kids training approved roles at much less than 1.5x to 2x minimum. Somewhat makes the whole minimum wage concept moot in practice.
When you look at how the minimum wage has fallen behind inflation, it's
lost its function. If you increased it to match inflation it'd be 23 to
25 dollars an hour.
people without checking their backgrounds unless you're hiring them t shovel shit.
Very few jobs actually require a background check..., but again, it's a pretty easy process to do. It's all 3rd party companies, you literally just pay them. Of coruse you need to be 'legal' first, which is the problem.
lol what. It's been made increasingly complex to get a green card. I
don't need to "speak for" 10 million people, the information is readily available.
Employers who don't do background checks are putting their employees at risk.
lol what. It's been made increasingly complex to get a green card. I don't need to "speak for" 10 million people, the information is readi available.
I don't see anybody complaining about it. Does it make any sense for you to complain about it? Taking permanent residency in a new country should and does involve background checks. The walk-ins being released into the USA will have a background check someday, but they're not getting it
prior to entry, and you're neglecting how dangerous that is. You're also neglecting how unfair that is to all the "migrants" who came here
through proper channels, with a visa, and a passport, and even a damn covid vaccine in hand; all things that your pals from the caravans accidentally left back home.
k9zw wrote to shitty <=-
Some USA changes are reactive to what other countries do. Green Cards didn't always expire, but to match the EU I believe now they have to
renew every ten years.
My wife is English and traveled on an old (yet valid) green card that
didn't have an expiration date. It raised eyebrows each time we
traveled. She's since started the process to replace it.
It is hard, because they don't have background checks. You can't hire people without checking their backgrounds unless you're hiring them t shovel shit.
Very few jobs actually require a background check..., but again, it's a pretty easy process to do. It's all 3rd party companies, you literally just pay them. Of coruse you need to be 'legal' first, which is the problem.
lol what. It's been made increasingly complex to get a green card. I
don't need to "speak for" 10 million people, the information is readily available.
Courts reponsible for this have been purposly defunded log-understaffing
Having a spouse who went through this and recently helping a friend's
wife get a green card, the incremental changes in the last few decades were not very noticable.
through proper channels, with a visa, and a passport, and even a damn covid vaccine in hand; all things that your pals from the caravans accidentally left back home.
I have to say that I agree. I, however, am open to new legislation for legal immigration - but right now being an 'illegal immigrant' means NOTHING.
Having a spouse who went through this and recently helping a friend's wife get a green card, the incremental changes in the last few decade were not very noticable.
Lefties don't believe in real-life experiences. They prefer to let the
TV do the thinking for them.
No matter what you tell them, if they didn't hear it on TV, then it just ain't true.
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