• Any "Thank You, Dr. Fauci" movie reviews?

    From k9zw@700:100/69 to All on Monday, November 25, 2024 07:37:19
    While it's difficult enough to find "Thank You, Dr. Fauci" thanks to search engine shadowbans and downrankings, perhaps the most notable form of censorship is the ongoing media blackout of the film according to Furst - whose previous work has been heavily reviewed, critically acclaimed, and streamed across Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, and Paramount.

    But not this one.

    "The media blackout of the film just proves that the real Covid story is still highly censored," Furst told ZeroHedge, adding "Journalists still can't cover Covid truthfully at major outlets, and the problem is way bigger than them or their editors. The most powerful lobbies on the planet, and the weight of the US government is still sitting on the free press like an 800 pound gorilla."

    Anyone watched the movie and have a review?

    It is always interesting when the tech-system goes "Orwell" by heavily and openly censoring a movie.

    Tempted to buy it just because of that.

    --- Steve K9ZW via SPOT BBS

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  • From Amessyroom@700:100/78 to k9zw on Monday, November 25, 2024 10:15:41
    Re: Any "Thank You, Dr. Fauci" movie reviews?
    By: k9zw to All on Mon Nov 25 2024 07:37 am

    While it's difficult enough to find "Thank You, Dr. Fauci" thanks to search engine shadowbans and downrankings, perhaps the most notable form of censorship is the ongoing media blackout of the film according to Furst - whose previous work has been heavily reviewed, critically acclaimed, and streamed across Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, and Paramount.

    But not this one.

    "The media blackout of the film just proves that the real Covid story is still highly censored," Furst told ZeroHedge, adding "Journalists still can't cover Covid truthfully at major outlets, and the problem is way bigger than them or their editors. The most powerful lobbies on the planet, and the weight of the US government is still sitting on the free press like an 800 pound gorilla."

    Anyone watched the movie and have a review?
    See one review on imdb. But don't see where the movie can be watched :-(
    Amessyroom - Sysop
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