• 3rd World Birth Control

    From warmfuzzy@700:100/37 to All on Sunday, October 13, 2024 02:02:16

    Infertility in the 3rd World

    You have probably seen pictures of children on television with distended bellies in dire need of food, dying from contaminated water, without work and without schooling. In my personal opinion the condition and state of these children is a direct result of the parents having sex and bringing into the world a burden on the whole world. I'm thinking of the Georgian Guidestones that publically announce what the New World Order thinks is best for us. One of those declarations is that they believe the world population should be capped at one hundred million people. We in the developed nations are expected to pay the cost for the sexual acts of people who cannot afford to feed their kids, educate their kids, and have their kids have anything close to meaningful work. In my opinion there should be free vasectomies for men and the like for the women in those nations. Each man and woman would be given $200 USD, and the people punished for bringing kids into the world that they can not afford to give the necessities of life. It should be considered a crime for parents to add to the over-population problem, specifically those problems that are complicated in such a way as to bring into the world yet another that the world will not support

    The children should be helped and good things provided for them. Their parents (of children in the 3rd world) should be dealt with seriously. The only reason that we still have a population problem in the starving nations is the direct result of people unzipping their pants and selfishly doing an act that will result in one more person that we just can't or won't afford to pay for.

    Now I don't think the children should be treated harshly at all. It is their parents who are the problem, not their offspring. I am also supportive of charities like Compassion International who provide shelter, food, education, and religious teaching for these children. Its not that I hate the children at all; that isn't the case whatsoever. The international community should be doing everything that they can to make for a meaningful life for children including work, play, education, and social events. My problem specifically is the parents who are selfish in bringing into the world another mouth that will go starving. It is a sad situation, complex, and uncomfortably troublesome. I don't want to be the lone voice saying the obvious, which is definitely not politically correct. I don't want people to hate me for voicing my unpopular opinion, it is however my honest opinion.

    One thing to note is that I only hold these beliefs for parents of children in the 3rd World nations, not 2nd or 1st world nations. If parents can afford to raise their children such that they can pay for the needs of that child I see nothing wrong with those parents having their children. Another point to clarify is that I do not believe in the use of typical birth control; I think vasectomies are more effective, permanent, and religiously acceptable.

    What do you think?


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