The Imminent Problem
warmfuzzy@700:100/37 to
All on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 00:23:47
The Imminent Extreme Situation
If you're really looking to see if you are under surveillance then you could make for a false understanding of the state of things. Such would go along the lines of: If "X" isn't solved immediately then "Y" would result. Where X & Y would have a very tragic outcome that is totally unacceptable. The surveillance team would be made aware of "the situation" and respond in a hurried and not well thought-out response to make the tragedy remedied before it happens. This is a prime example of the use of disinformation to manipulate people into a mode of operation that is confused and hurried and at the stage of panic. If you set the scene such that the surveillance team doesn't know that they are suspected of being active, you can manipulate them with disinformation that you control, using their surveillance against them.
It is important to frame the situation without directly lying, or rather framing things as a possible reality and not a certain reality. This will keep your character intact and make for a successful wetware exploit, where "wetware" means human beings, us being made mostly of water, thus the term "wet" ware.
If you're interested in further learning more about the art of human manipulation then check out Kevin Mitnick's "The Art of Human Exploitation," or some name like that. Just do a search for Kevin Mitnick in your favorite book retailer and some listings are almost certain to show up from that search.
I should make a distinction here. Some people get "misinformation" and "disinformation" confused. I will clarify that for you. "Misinformation" is the falsehood that is said not knowing that the falsehood is in fact false; the speaker just isn't aware that what they are saying isn't true.
Disinformation, however, is the lying to someone with full understanding that what you are saying is false. The normal mode of those things I have described in this article is disinformation, and as such is lying. Now from the Christian perspective you should know that liars don't go to Heaven. If it was an accidental mis-step there is nothing wrong with that; we all make mistakes once in a while. However, if you make a practice of lying to further your own benefit you could be in a situation that is big time trouble. Yes, Jesus Christ forgives, but you have to go to Him and apologize for the mis-deed, decide that you will try hard not to do it again (repent), and walk a fresh new life. God isn't "playing," He is extremely serious about being righteous and is a fearful individual to those who are unrepentant sinners. It's a situation that is life or death... choose life. Fear God.
With the utmost in seriousness,
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64)
* Origin: thE qUAntUm wOrmhOlE, rAmsgAtE, uK. (700:100/37)