• Harm from vaccines: new evidence

    From roman@700:100/69 to All on Tuesday, November 28, 2023 07:47:27
    News. Lithuania. November 28, 2023. LETA reports that today the government will decide to pay 5,000 euros in compensation to a patient who, in the opinion of the State Medicines Agency (Zalu valsts agentura - ZVA), has suffered harm as a result of vaccination against Covid-19. As the Ministry of Health explains, on November 7 this year, the ZVA decided to award compensation in the amount of 5,000 euros for harm to the patient's health caused by side effects of the Pfizer drug. In total, this year the costs for this type of compensation amounted to 45,000 euros. Decisions on compensation payments are made by ZVA. According to the Covid-19 Infection Management Act, a claim for compensation can be submitted no later than two years from the date of discovery of the damage, but no later than three years from the date of vaccination. Compensation can be claimed by people who have been vaccinated in Latvia with a vaccine registered with the European Medicines Agency, and if damage to health or life is directly related to a side effect caused by the vaccine - if persistent or long-term health problems have occurred due to which the patient does not recover self-care and functionality for at least 26 weeks.
    Source: https://gorod.lv/novosti/345687-zhitelyam-latvii-vyplachivaut-kompensatsii-za-o slozhneniya-ot-privivok-protiv-covid-19

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