On 27 Oct 2023, warmfuzzy said the following...
I've just picked up a copy of "Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth." It is the definitive book on Covid-19 and the mRNA vaccines. My dad said that he would read the book if I would read the book I
bought myself first. So I have 500 pages to read. Yes, it's a real
Turtles was written before the Wuhan escaped virus.
It is an indictment of ALL the vaccines we've received from Childhood onwards.
The focus on this book is much larger, and explains how we hid the risks of vaccines while overstating any benefits by isolating them from any damages.
Reading strategy - read a bit at the start and a bit near the end of each chapter, and you will cover the sub-premisses and summations while not getting lost in the examples.
You can then either read any chapter in full that catches you interest, or do a detailed read.
Reason for the shortcut is that you need the decision making knowledge the book imparts in a more timely fashion than you need to understand the details.
--- Steve K9ZW via SPOT BBS
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