• new lifeform inside human bodies

    From roman@700:100/69 to All on Thursday, February 01, 2024 03:28:03
    https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/scientists-discover-new-lifeform-insi de-human-bodies/ar-BB1hqxLV
    New research has found virus-like genetic materials, called Obelisks, hitherto unnoticed by the scientific community.
    According to the authors of new research, including Stanford University biologist Ivan Zheludev, the makeup of the material doesn't bear similarities with any other biological agents, which has led them to believe that Obelisks could provide a link between simple genetic molecules and viruses.
    And now a simple observation of what the media wrote about before. We know that vaccination was part of the ritual for calling the "Great Architect" by the Masons through an RNA vaccine that contained the number of the beast, for the construction of the temple. 200 people were arrested for attempting to attack the Masons during the "epidemic" in France. Everyone remembers this.
    And now we learn that obelisks appeared in people's blood. That is, Masonic signs. Draw your own conclusions. But we have run out of conspiracy theories that would not later turn into news.

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