• [ANSI] Sparks: Points to Ponder, Points to Pursue

    From warmfuzzy@700:100/0 to All on Friday, September 22, 2017 04:55:00
    ▄▀▀▄ ▄ ▄▀▀▄ ▄▀ ▀▄ ▄▄█▀▄ ▄▀█████
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    ▄ ██▄▄ ▀▀██▄▀▀▀ ▄█ ██▄▄ ▀▀▄▀ ██
    ▀▄ ▀▄ ▄█▄ ▀█▄▀████
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    ■▄▀▄▀▄▀ ▀█ █▀
    ██ █ Cryptography and Steganography:
    ▀█ █ Do you want to keep your private stuff priv
    ate and not bow to the▓█ █ wishes of The Man? Everyone
    has a right to privacy, whether it be██ █ written in a
    legal document or not. Some people say, "we've got░ ██ █
    nothing to fear, our government is responsible..." That may be true
    , ▓ ██ █ but what about a government down the road that us
    es its abilities of █ ██ █ collection in tyrany? Cryptogra
    phy [securing data] and steganography █ ██ █ [hiding data]
    are crucial tools for aid agencies, political movements █ █
    █ █ and all sorts of good causes. You have a need to learn how to keep
    █ ██ █ your private data private. Freedom is for the fr
    ee, oppression is for █ ██ █ those who would trade freedom
    for an idea of security. STAY FREE!█ ██ █▄▀▄█ █
    ▀█▀▄▀▄▀▄ ▄spark of ideas: points to ponder, points t
    o pursue ▄ ▀▄▀▄█▄▀
    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A35 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: PHATstar RetroBOX! (700:100/0)