• Laser-beam Directed Secure Comms

    From warmfuzzy@700:100/37 to All on Wednesday, July 19, 2023 02:18:59
    Laser kit has come a long way in the past few decades. It was thought impossible to use lasers to take down enemy missile and craft, but the Israeli's are creating a laser-based system to complement their Iron Dome missal defense system. So the technology has progressed a lot. But one thing I have been thinking of is something that could already being done at this present stage in terms of utilizing lasers for communications. If the laser beam is of the right wavelength it wouldn't disperse much at all past the direction and diameter that its rays are aimed at. Basically you could have a focused beam of "light" that is directed to a certain location on the globe, have the diameter of the dispersal of the waveform be less than 1000 meters, and you've got yourself a focused means of communication that would require the eavesdropper to be within that 1000 meter diameter. Anything outside of that area would not be emitted farther. It would be an enclosed data communication field using infra-red pulses that would provide for signaling between agency and operative in a way in which the radiation would not radiate past the collection point, keeping secret transmissions secret. Of course, encryption of the data would also be done to ensure that the signal is as secure as possible, and using advanced crypto such as AES (Rijndael) along with a narrow, low-spreading beam, could really produce amazing results.


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