• human trafficking

    From warmfuzzy@700:100/37 to All on Tuesday, May 07, 2024 17:21:16
    One of the most important thing that intelligence agents and officers do is to save people from human trafficking. There are many things to criticize the Intelligence Community with, however saving people from being sex slaves or slaves chained to their sewing machine is something we can all agree is a very good thing. Child sex slavery is an abomination in the sight of both God and Man. These people who do this slavery of their fellow human beings are worthy of very lengthly prison terms. A child is a precious thing and the abusing of children is a horror hardly imagined by us in the First World nations. In second and third world nations this is much more common, but none-the-less horrific. One of the most despicable things to happen as a result from the Intelligence Community is the torture of people at military-run jails. One of the most honorable things to happen as a result from the Intelligence Community is the saving of little children from predators. Perhaps the most profoundly evil thing about this trade in human beings is how parents sell their own children into the sex trade. From a First World Nation perspective this is profoundly Evil and totally unacceptable to people from The West. When people have money to pay their bills the parents very rarely have their children exploited. That a person would ever do such things rather than starve is still massively Evil. Yes, they have to worry about getting food to survive, but selling your own kids into sexual slavery? Despicable, totally despicable. They would say that they were forced to do so, so that they could survive. However, I would say that it is better to starve than turn your children into sex slaves. Human trafficking is the one thing that can turn a skeptic of Intelligence work into a believer. Kids matter and are that which should never be bought at any price. So, to those in the Intelligence Community (IC), bravo for saving the children. The more kids that are saved the higher the respect I would have for those people.


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