• Lightweight BBS Servers For Sale

    From warmfuzzy@700:100/37 to All on Sunday, October 22, 2023 00:42:16
    I'm going to be selling lightweight computers for use as BBS Server Computers. There are two varieties of computers for sale, one a simple Dell ThinClient and the other a powerful Zotac ZBOX. The specs are as follows:

    Dell Wyse 5010 ThinClient:
    2x 1.4 GHz AMD CPU
    Brand new 8 G RAM
    Brand new high-end 250 G Kingston SATA SSD
    4x USB 2.0
    Gigabit Ethernet
    1 DisplayPort
    1 DVI-I Port
    Brand new : A small converter box from DisplayPort to HDMI
    Brand new WiFi 4 ("wireless N") @ 300 Mbits, with a 10 DB High Gain Antenna
    * This system has been upgraded to 8 G RAM rather than its officially supported 4 G RAM and as such it will only work with the Linux Operating System and may not work with Windows. If you will be using Windows with this then please specify that you want the 4 G RAM chip instead.
    cost: $250 USD + $30 USD shipping to Canada or $35 USD shipping to USA

    Zotac ZBOX CI320 Passive Cooled Silent Computer
    4x 1.83 GHz Intel CPU
    Brand New 8 G RAM
    Brand New 1 T Crucial SSD
    4x USB 3.0 and 2x USB 2.0
    Gigabit Ethernet
    HDMI and DisplayPort connections
    WiFi 5 ("wireless AC") @ 1200 Mbits
    *This computer is being sold for $325 USD + $30 USD shipping to Canada or
    $35 USD shipping to USA

    These two system varieties will be published for sale on eBay shortly. eBay charges 13% tax on items being sold from Canada. If this sounds of interest to you please write back here and I'll direct you to the eBay listing. I am willing to give deals to people using this forum on the purchase price of these boxes.

    Just imagine an amazing small form-factor computer dedicated to hosting your textmode adventures such as your BBS or echomail network.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: thE qUAntUm wOrmhOlE, rAmsgAtE, Uk. bbs.erb.pw (700:100/37)