I have been reading through a textfiles.com Gopher mirror (
gopher://infinitelyremote.com:70/1/www.textfiles.com/conspiracy/666_ibm.txt). Under the "conspiracy" directory is a file named 666_IBM.txt
. This file discusses a barcode system developed by IBM.
As we all know, bar codes are used at checkout when
finalizing your purchases. They are also used by the
register for inventory management. The inventory management
is able to track which item(s) are selling the most and, by
extension, making it easier for the vendor to control which
items are made available to the purchaser.
Bar codes were going to be used to serve another purpose,
however. During the 80's and 90's, research was being done
to print a bar code on your right hand, which would be used
to identify yourself. The computer that scanned your bar
code could pull up information, such as your name, SSN,
bank information, medical, and criminal history.
At the same time, research was also being done on an
implantable microchip that could do the same thing. In
todays day and age, we do have implantable chips, but none
have seen wide acceptance. The bar codes have not seen
wide acceptance either.
But close to 100% of the population does have a cellular
phone. Already, we are seeing mass data collection via
a device that is in our pocket. A device that was originally
sold to us as a device that could place calls from any
location, is now used to track and control us.
The chairman of Goldman Sacchs was asked back in the
early 90s what it would take for people to adopt a system
of mass monitoring and control. His answer was "A major
Enter 9/11 and Covid.
9/11 brought us TSA, Cellular Phones, a more tyrannical
NSA, further tracking and "listening in" on all voice and
internet activity. The list goes on.
Covid brought us an economic lockdown, it brought us mask
mandates, it brought some states vaccine mandates, but most
of all, it brought us "Covid Pass" (or what ever your
nations name for it is). Covid pass is an app on your phone
that not only presents the status of your vaccination, but
also gives businesses access to your medical records.
Doctors already have access to your medical data, so the
app really doesn't do anything that Doctors already couldn't
At the time of writing this, very few states in the US
are enforcing mask and vaccine mandates. That said, all
of the businesses I have seen still have their mask and
vaccine requirement infrastructure still in place. For the
moment, the US Government is not pushing the vaccines nor
masks, but when they decide to clamp down again, it will
be much easier to do so and take more liberties.
"Of course if there was a financial or national emergency
(catastrophe), the government would exercise unprecidented
control, and compliance of citizens would be anything but
I don't agree with this entirely - no Government can force
you do to anything. Every decision in life is voluntary.
That said, the governing bodies will push hard and do
everything they can to coerce you into doing their bidding.
Think about it. If somebody were to bust down your
door and force inject you with something you are against,
you are well within your rights to fend them off. If
a governing body were to do this, they would loose their
power and control over the people overnight.
This is contrary to what any governing organization wants.
Most governing agencies are ran by people who want power
and control. You have to voluntarily give power and control
to those entities - they are not able to force power from
you. If they do, they loose it all.
The document also discusses centralized computing. I try
to stay away from this as much as possible, however with
the way infrastructure has changed over the years, the only
way to get away from it (atleast 90% away from it) is to
never use a computer, especially a modern computer. Keep
all of your business and tranasactions offline (as much as
possible) and always use cash. Even bitcoin can be tracked.
Anyways, I thought this article was an interesting article
and wanted to share my thoughts.
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