Sp00k Tot Mind Control
warmfuzzy@700:100/37 to
All on Friday, April 14, 2023 19:00:41
The Soviet Union was evil. And to think that all the adherents to Communism would just up and change their minds on the whole philosophy. No, the communists continued to be communist and to do their deeds of darkness. One highly successful program that they ran was their mind control division.
They had a history of brainwashing for the purpose of making child soldiers
who could kill and forget that they killed. The drug was ingested and was a liquid, rumored to be brown in colour. It was administered to children as
they were thought of as more susceptible to influence... The idea was to have child soldiers who could kill and forget that they had killed. Prompts were given to see just how far a person's own will could be bypassed, one instance was to have a kid bring a weapon to a public place, but the child's sense of self-preservation won out as they figured out that if they drew the weapon
out that they would get into trouble.
Believe it or not there are creepers out there who abuse children, who get
them to do things that they don't want to do, creating little monsters, all
in the name of security-intelligence...
This is real. Governments have spent many millions of dollars to make their own "Manchurian Candidates." They can be male or female tots, and the reach
of this division is global, with cells in place in many countries. If you think that the benefits outweigh the bad you are profoundly mistaken. These people are die-hard communists who have a power they choose to use... the ultimate assassin.
Children are used in the testing of the drug because they are assumed to be more pliable to the mind control than adults, also if they ever got caught
they would be immune from prosecution as they are but kids.
There has never been made a weapon that has never been used. All weapons will be used at some point, otherwise why make the weapon?
Points to Ponder, Points to Pursue,
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