• [ANSI] Sp00knet BACK ONLINE!

    From warmfuzzy@700:100/0 to All on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 08:54:13
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    ▀▄▀▄▄ ▀▄▀▄█ ▓■▄▀▄▀▄▀
    ▀█ █▀ ██ █ Sp00knet
    Back Online and Back in Business: ▀
    █ ██ █ The Spooknet is being brought back to life. There wer
    e some major▓█ █ problems with the BinkP softwa
    re which Pequito fixed. We are now██ █ going fu
    ll steam ahead. Expect timely, concise, and relevant articles ░
    ██ █ to look over. I will commit to writing five articl
    es per day,▓ ██ █ excluding weekends. We are n
    ow advertised in our first college ad █ ██ █ cam
    paign. Twenty-five posters have been purchased that will be posted
    █ ██ █ around Toronto campuses. This is not just t
    alk, we are very serious █ ██ █ about keeping this
    alive and well. Starting today the Sp00knet is █ ██
    █ back! Special thanks to Necromaster and Pequito for helping
    fix█ ██ █ problems that are beyond my own abili
    ties... and now welcome back to █ ██ █ "The World'
    s Most Intriguing Echomail Network." With a virtual█ █
    █ █ server meant for hosting nothing other than BinkP echomail, we have
    █ ██ █ a system dedicated to this message net al
    one.█ ██ ██ ██ █Welcome home
    weary traveller: SPOOKNET IS BACK!█ ██ █
    Have a cup of Joe and relax while consuming the Spook Chatter.
    █ ██ █▄▀▄█ █▀█▀▄▀▄▀▄ ▄spark of
    ideas: points to ponder, points to pursue ▄ ▀
    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A39 2018/04/21 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Sp00knet Master Hub [PHATstar] (700:100/0)