• Fastwalkers and Slowwalkers: Who Goes There?

    From warmfuzzy@700:100/37 to All on Thursday, January 05, 2023 00:26:34
    A Fastwalker is a term that describes a UFO or UAP (an unidentified flying object OR an Unidentified Ariel Phenomenon). Fastwalkers are not human made satellites, which are called Slowwalkers as they move through space at relative slow speeds. A Fastwalker can move from one end of the Earth to the opposite end in a matter of minutes or even most probably in a matter of seconds.

    The name Fastwalker is very descriptive. It has to do with technology that is currently "out of this world" as in not being a part of this world's science of construction. Propulsion can take place without having wings and without heat being produced from these anomalous crafts.

    "The Truth is Out There" and ... most recently ... "The Truth is Right Here on and Around Our Own Planet." We are being visited and it can no longer be denied. Something is out there, we just need to figure out who they are and what they want. That they are out there is a fact... but that is all that can be stated with certainty. It could very well be that this perspective is held by people who don't have the clearance to know a fuller truth and understanding about this phenomenon. It could be that some people out there know the reason behind our visitation, yet the common folk don't have the intelligence community clearance to be briefed with the truth. I suspect that this is the case, with slowly going public about sightings will take place to let the common folk into the truth at a pace that won't totally freak out the whole world. A progression of truth to higher truth seems to be in process. It seems that whatever is visiting us is making itself very well seen, yet in a way that doesn't break the news in full.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Linux/64)
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